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Utility Commands

Can be used to pull up a list of all the commands.


Locks the channel you mention. (Currently being set up)


Unlocks the channel you mention. (Also being set up)


Tells you how many members there are in your server!


Good old ping! Says pong and gives you the bot and API Latency!


Says anything you put after the command. Please don't abuse.


Sets the slowmode for the channel you're in! (>sm also works)

All of these commands can be pulled up at any time by saying >help.

Moderator Commands


Gives information about the user you ping.


Kicks the member you ping.


Bans the member you ping

>warn [NEW]

Warns the member you ping (right now it's in development so say >twarn instead)


Still in development

Music Commands [NEW]


Joins the VC you are in.


Joins the VC you are in and plays the song based on keyword or link that you provide.


Stops playing and leaves the VC


Stops playing and leaves the VC

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